Friday, January 30, 2004

dancing off the gin and weekend in hell, the starry lies of poets through cigarette smoke, major jackson brags breakdancing and denounces dope but i'll believe his stories like i believe an's in a corner vietnamese restaurant in the middle of nowhere ok i lied in the middle of the dfc but one thing's for sure major's one helluva poet he can read his poetry like 3rd grader for all i care his words will always give our hips hickeys like hey ya in college bars IF YOU GO I WILL SURELY DIE i can't read other people's love poems without feeling jealous or regretful or awwww shit that was dope jose did a fine job at that last slam andinh too the way he gnarfed down that last piece of dim sum what's with the way we're all losing our credit cards atm cards but the worst thing to lose is your self esteem sorry that was cheesy like bad chair designs naw i'm kidding jean did a nice job sorry i couldn't go drinking with yall or watch the cure that sickass japanese film oh man i must have a japanese film festish happy 9 months you beautiful person you i have nothing else to say except that i bought a painting for 2500 dollars and i am damn happy with it