Saturday, April 26, 2003


i'm just freakin' beaming right now. last night's show went very very well. the audience went bananas. the plays were absolutely dope. and we got awesome props for our short film "regret." i'm still smiling over that. comedy troupe was most excellent too... i don't know why, i almost felt like crying at one point while watching it. i was very proud. good job ricers!

and much love to those of you who came. thank you.

and much much love to those who made luca, jimmy, and i special underwear. thank you.

and much much much love to mom and the bro for coming all the way from la to see the show. thank you.

good god, now i have to study. tonight's show is going to be even crazier, i imagine.

dope song: amelie soundtrack (claude ossard)'s comptine d'un autre ete: l'apres midi crepes. i like crepes.