Thursday, June 12, 2003

"jimmy diggin' cat"

jimmy, tell me, tell me what being a human is like.

when you're human, you can ride the night winds.

jimmy, teach me, teach me how to ride the night winds.

don't sleep, but dream. don't say, but do. don't close, but open, open your heart so when you ride the night winds you'll catch all the stars.

jimmy, don't tell me, show me.

and jimmy wrote a play for the cat, read a poem for the cat, sang a song for the cat, cooked a fish-steak for the cat, drew a picture for the cat, told a dirty joke for the cat, danced with his shirt off for the cat, did impossible things and laughed about it for the cat, and cradled the cat onto his shoulder, held his breath, and hopped onto the westward winds into the sky.

they rode the night winds together and got married somewhere over the sahara.

what happened next is a secret.

the end.

dope song: cunninlynguists' mic like a memory