Tuesday, March 15, 2005

eddy zheng, friend and poet, will have his deportation hearing tomorrow morning. he was serving 7-to-life sentence in san quentin but recently got his parole approved. now he faces deporation because he is not a US citizen. please, please, please, join me tomorrow morning (9 am) at 630 Sansome in downtown SF on the 4th Floor.

from anmol:

It is crucial that people attend this hearing and fill the courtroom.


Deportation hearings and decisions are *very* political decisions and immigration officials are very influenced by community pressure. Eddy does have a very strong legal basis to win his deportation case, but community pressure will play an even bigger role in his deportation case than it did in winning his parole.

eddy zheng was one of the organizers of san quentin's first poetry slam. he was also one of the organizers who fought hard to get ethnic studies implemented in prison.

i'll be leaving SF by BART around 8:30 am - call my cell (310) 698 2187 or drop me an AIM (booceboogie) if you wanna roll with me. we'll be done by 11 am. call me/AIM me if you have any questions.

come, stranger, please come.