Tuesday, March 18, 2003

"all i know"

sure, i'm rebellious. but my rebellion comes in sparks and flashes. i usually save them as secrets because most people just dismiss them as "stupid." but all in all, i'm pretty rebellious. but this whole war thing is looming and i'm surprisingly feeling... not. i don't know why. i feel crappy but i'm not really motivated to do anything. perhaps i will soon. i'm a nutball right now. and i don't really know anything about anything. and that's sometimes a good thing. and sometimes not.

all i know is
i know less everyday

in this world, this world that never stops
between broken cliffs and thick water
i greet the sky, star by star,
the earth, flower by flower
and i still don't learn
i still don't learn
i give the wind a ride
i let the ocean eat me up
i climb and i drop
i sink and i swim
i want to know this world
i want to know this
this this this
this fleeting flash of brightness
this sonorous sound of secrets
this one motionless day
this maybe
this bullet
this breath

details are what i'm after
along with the big pictures
if i know less everyday
i'll have more to know
one day

i want to know this world