Tuesday, November 26, 2002

"we become stars"

at night,
the stars follow me
i feel
their fingertips along my spine
little prints that they trace
with a dim shine

i see the stars
not as gods not as guides not as goals
but as greetings
and as goodbyes

i turn my back
in haste
to the last light of the day
so that
i can meet the night
and the quiet stains
of light
she leaves all across the sky

the night stains the day and the day stains the night
and me
my eyelids are left pale
as i try to keep up with influx
of sunrises and sunsets

the moon's nowhere in sight
i'm tired of whispering to her shadow

i'll whisper this though
my light
i''ll whisper my light out
onto the inky blackness of tonight
i'll whisper all my all
fill the streets
with every ounce of brightness i have left
so that you and you and you
can trail, pace, walk
all through me
and pick me up
under the sole of your feet
and spread me so far
until i'm nothing
but bight footprints all across the Earth

i'll become stars seeping into the ground
so you
stars in the sky
can look down
and have someone
to greet
to goodbye