"disenchanted doves"
sage francis sings the hip hop hymm:
'We dont need wings to fly
Me and you... we dont need wings to fly
Keep on singing give it a try, give it a try
Just keep on singing give it a try, give it a try'
with such bravador i'm caught
whisked up into the updraft
i hear the echo in his words
an audible reflection
and i believe i'm him
and he's me
and we're all going through the same old shit
'we don't need wings to fly
me and you... we don't need wings to fly'
you're easy to lift
if you're feeling empty on the inside
a worried frown shoved in the rush of cold Berkeley days
do we really fly
or do we actually float drift and glide
along the routines we're used to
'Keep on singing give it a try, give it a try
Just keep on singing give it a try, give it a try'
if you want to lift me up
sing your song
go ahead
give it a try
we can give it a try