Thursday, August 29, 2002

I'm an eternal freshman. I'm always lost on this campus. I bet you are too. It's fun being lost. It keeps you on your toes. Aimee and Jimmy agreed that the semester is going by really fast. I digress. It's been slow days. Good slow days. Highlighted by quiet moments in the sun. Or in indoor pools.

That's right. We threw a pool party a few days ago at the hotel. It was a lot of fun. What do you expect when you put fun random friends in a pool, a hot tub, and a scalding hot sauna? Chaos and chlorine, that's what. Oh babay. I've been working out too, by the way. Check out my biceps sometime. You can't miss them.

(Bruce rapping) My name is Kurtis Blow, and I want you to know, that these are the breaksssssss.

I wonder if Architecture and Cognitive Science is going to mix well. Haha. Who cares. Wait. I do.

In City Planning 110, I convinced everyone my name is Brodie, and not Bruce. Next semester, I think I'm going to be Lop. Lop Cheung. Hahaha. (Lop Cheung is a Chinese fatty sausage... but you've probably heard that joke already, I use it too much... and it's not even a funny joke.)

Another random thing: this other Berkeley student girl got off with me at the Marina bus stop. I figure since we're headed in the same direction, we can make some friendly conversation on the way back. But the second she steps off the bus, she runs, nay, darts to the Hotel. But here's the funny part: she's a small girl with small legs, so her steps are very small. so she's not going very fast. She's running fast, but she's not covering much ground. If you can, imagine watching Speedy Gonzales running on a treadmill pulled by tractor. That's about how fast she was going. Hehe.

Did you know a gander is a male goose?

Ok. As you can see, I'm running out of things to say. I'm a little lost too. I don't really know what to talk about. I'm sorry. Next time, you're going to read a journal entry that isn't a complete waste of time. That's not an empty promise. You watch.. er, read!