Monday, February 16, 2004

fox news and the free republic (conservative news site) report the next bush scandal? whether it's true or not, it's so damn nice to see pro-bushies panic for a change.

download the grey album now (or buy it, i got mine from amoeba on haight.) a must listen, you have to hear jay-z rap his "what more can i say" over samples from the beatles' "as my heart gently weeps." outstanding!

talib kweli on politics and rap. snoop and ja rule boycotted in brasil. al qeada sympathizers turn to rap.

campus budget cuts could swell to $39 million! fuck!

mayor gavin newson: smug fake-ass. but now i sorta like him.

scholarship for whites only.

faces of us soldiers who died in the iraqi war.

the movie that i've dying to see for three years now 2046.

my valentine's day felt like this.