Tuesday, May 06, 2003

"fame? nah."

so i was purchasing some dim sum today with sara and i get recognized by the dim sum server people as the actor from "regret" (the wee short film we made a wee bit ago.) these are the random stranger shout outs i tend to get holla'd at me:

- "yo... WAKE... UP... YOUNG... FIGHTER!" (from a theatre rice skit i was in last semester)
- "yo... DIARRHEA guy!" (from the play i was in this semester)
- "yo... you're Mike Nguyen, right?" (Mike Nguyen is the other Vietnamese guy with goofy hair in Theatre Rice)

and yes, it's nice. i get sorta cocky and light-headed when people remember me from open mics or theatre rice stuff. but all this makes me... what would it be like to be famous? and would fame be something that i want?

... oh man, hell no. that's all bullshit ego stuff. i never needed compliments nor the spotlight to be passionate and i never will. no, i don't want to be rich. no, i don't want to be famous. i just want to do what i love for a living... in new and daring ways... and always with a slight sense of humor. and if i'm blessed enough, i'll be able to touch, help, question, challenge and inspire people. to love for a living, won't that be enough?

dope song: belle and sebastian's beautiful