Sunday, January 26, 2003

"to feel alive"

breathe because that's all i need to do to feel alive
i don't mean just the "unfeeling unthinking walking aimlessly again" alive
i mean ALIVE
the feverish leaps out of bed every morning
the shower songs echoing throughout the apartment
the torrents and typhoons in the things we say and do
the incendiary
the inflammable
the hot hot heat
of conversations over cereal
of swing dance smiles
of massages with a mission
you know what i mean: ALIVE
to sleep well every night
with silly thoughts
pulsing humming drifting
throughout every inch of the body
to wake up every morning shouting
listen world
it's just
a debate
a dare
a dance
let's do coffee and crossword puzzles later
let me feel alive alive alive
whistling haikus on hikes to class
wrestling the wind wherever it goes
wearing always eyes wide open as badges of courages
let me feel alive again
breathe because that's all i can do
until the moment
you give me life