Monday, October 24, 2005

”when i was writing this film, i cried a lot, it was this incredibly painful situation of a woman having a child and being present in his cycle of life and then watching him die in front of her eyes. the worst tragedy. for the death scene, i tried not to show everything but at the same time, i wanted to do something very strong. originally i was going to make it an action sequence with stuntmen and speciailists, etc… but at the last minute, i changed it because it was going to be too conventional and the conventional always makes me feel frustrated.

right after the accident, i could have gone to a scene with the mother crying, saying how it was his birthday but no, i cut to an empty hallway. the camera glides through the hallway and we get to the mother mute, her face swollen from crying. in fact, she doesn’t even let the doctors talk. all they get to say is ‘unfortunately’ and then we have this scream of pain. i always go to the most essential, the most simple, which is sometimes the most difficult and transparent but the most effective.”

pedro, on "all about my mother"

pedro has been keeping a journal about his latest movie, 'revolver.'

my mom is in town for a business trip. hi mom.