Tuesday, April 05, 2005

oh delirious&&&&, i*m qt the french e,bqssy in sqntq monicq; using qn > azerty keyboqrd ççç it is zonderful::: éééééèèèèèèàààààààoooouuuuuuu) thought iùd shqre; zhqtùs zith pqssport pictures§ they never turn out the zqy you plqn; qnd never ever feel like you; s,ell like you; sort of q scribble of zho you qre, i q, plqnning q trip; to so,ezhere fqr::: zill let you knoz once iù, ,ore fluent; fqr: fqr: fqr: zhen they took my picture; i looked like thisMMM

