Friday, July 04, 2003


random memory of angering jason and jerry and a failed attempt at soothing them with a poetry reading.

"your strange words only confuse and enrage me! now i have the strength of TEN MEN!" screams a gamma-rayed jason.

and the pummeling begins.

what lovely doves of roommates i have.

ps: this sparks another memory of jerry and i dropping eaves on jason's singing in the shower. he proceeds to collapse us onto the floor and kick the beeswax out of us.

pps: jerry - "haha remember the time jason was so angry at you that he climbed over jade's drawer and jumped on you? you gotta blog about that!"
jason - "i'm sorry about the noogie. i went too far. i'm really sorry about that."

ppps: this all births an even new memory of jerry and i pushing to read this blog entry of jason's computer, only annoying the man. he proceeds (or will proceed) to beat us up again, and again, and again... the cycle of violence continues.

a song: frente's labour of love